Tracey Bartlett

I'm a


I'm a long-legged to-do list lover, with a craving for walking, nature, and writing. I've navigated through life learning many painful but valuable lessons (as have many of us), finally finding true love and inner peace through positivity and hard work. My chosen path has led me to a life in Andalucía, Spain, where I am blessed with the time to indulge in my passions. Soaking in the sunshine by day, and the cheap vino as I'm serenaded by the Cicadas at night.

If I had to describe myself in one word, it would be….. 'uncomplicated'
(It sounds better than simple lol)

Walker, Writer & Nature Lover.

"Don't be envious. My life is what it is today, because of what I went through yesterday" ~ Tracey Bartlett x

  • Website:
  • Location: Andalucía, Spain

Anne Frank said, "No one has become poor from giving" It's important to me to raise awareness and funds for local worthy causes through my time and actions rather than money to faceless corporations. I use these opportunities to challenge myself, despite them often taking me outside of my comfort zone. I'm a subscriber to "Feel the fear and do it anyway" and the belief that "Positivity attracts positivity". Principles that I try and live by, along with treating others with kindness and empathy.

Walk Tall Spain

I run a walking group here in Southern Spain and welcome new members.

Link to Walking group Facebook page. View the website here for more information.


If you would like me to quote for writing work, or ask me to review your products or services (I wouldn't mind a safari holiday 😉) or would like me to consider becoming a no-cost-to-me affiliate, then please feel free to contact me. No bots or spammers need apply.


Almeria, Spain